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1863: Cpl.Berry Patton Phillips, Killed at Battle of Chancellorsville

  • Mamie
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02 Oct 2017 14:31 #1795 by Mamie
Amongst the number of our brave boys who poured out their life's blood at the battle of Chancellorsville, was BERRY PATTON PHILLIPS, of this county. He was mortally wounded on Saturday, 2d of May and died Sunday, the 3d. His remains were brought to this place Friday night last, and removed to Smith's Creek, where they now rest. Peace to his ashes.

Source: Abingdon Virginian, Abingdon, Virginia; Friday, June 12, 1863; Pg. 2, Column 2

Died, on the battlefield of Chancellorsville, on the 3d of May, 1863, Corporal BERRY P. PHILLIPS, aged about 21 years. Young Phillips was from Washington county, Va., and was the son of John and Matilda Phillips. We have been often, oh very often, called upon to weep for those we loved; but seldom have we mourned the loss of a better soldier than him. Long will he be remembered in his regiment with feelings of admiration. He was brave to a fault; and being endowed with good health and a strong constitution, he was always ready for duty, and his cheerfulness spread mirth and joy wherever he went. The writer of this short sketch spoke to him but a few short hours before his death, and found him in good heart and cheerful as usual, though it was then well known that our Gen. Jackson was about to fall like a bolt of thunder upon the enemy, and that many of us would lie low before sunset. Yet beneath his funny face there was a feeling of great and powerful responsibility. A remark he made to me on parting, left the impression on my mind that he was thinking much of his approaching end, and that at the close of the conflict when his name was called it would be pronounced with a tear, and that his mess-mates could only say, "He died on the field of battle."

Young Phillips enlisted on the 1st of May, 1862, and was in the battle of Princeton and Kelly's Farm, in both of which he behaved in such manner as to win the commendation of his officers. He was with his regiment during Loring's and Echol's expedition to Kanawha Valley, and endured the privation and fatigue of these severe campaigns without a murmur.-He was with the regiment during the frequent forays of Gen. Pryor on the Blackwater. These were executed during mid winter, frequently while sleet and snow were falling fast. Yet, even though we had no tents or accomodations of any kind, he never grumbled. He went into the battle of Chancellorsville, as I have said, with a smile upon his face. At Chancellorsville he passed unscathed through the heaviest fighting of Saturday, was among the foremost in the heavy charge upon the enemy's works, and had the joy of seeing the enemy flee in wild disorder before us. The firing ceased. That part of the field was ours. Jackson's corps had done its work for that day, and were preparing for what was to come on the morrow, when the enemy opened a heavy fire of artillery upon us, and Phillips fell. A solid shot had completely taken his right leg off above the ankle. He was carried to the hospital, but only lived till the next day. When his Captain found him on the field, he only remarked, "There lies poor Pat." His smiling face was transformed into the chilliness of death, and his life-blood was flowing fast, yet he murmured not a word; only saying, "here lies poor Pat." He lies now near his own mountain home in Washington county, awaiting the time when the dread wilderness around Chancellorsville shall give up its dead; then he will appear among the redeemed whole and perfect as in life.-L. H. N. S. (Lt. Col. Logan H. N. Salyer)

Source: The Abingdon Virginian, Abingdon, Virginia, Friday, October 9, 1863; Pg. 3, Column 4

Military Service:
C. S. A., Corporal, Co. H., 50th Infantry Regiment

OVERVIEW: 50th Infantry Regiment was organized in July, 1861, with ten companies and three companies of cavalry temporarily attached. During September one of the cavalry companies was disabled and the other two transferred to the 8th Regiment Virginia Cavalry. The unit was reorganized in May, 1862, with nine companies. It moved to Tennessee and in February, 1862, was captured at Fort Donelson. After being exchanged, it was assigned to the Department of Western Virginia and fought at Carnifax Ferry. Later the 50th served in J.M. Jones', G.C. Wharton's, and Forsberg's Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. It participated in numerous conflicts from Chancellorsville to Cold Harbor, moved with Early to the Shenandoah Valley, and fought its last battle at Waynesborough. The regiment reported 10 killed and 40 wounded at Fort Donelson, and there were 8 killed and 110 wounded at Chancellorsville. More than forty percent of the 240 engaged at Gettysburg were disabled, and it sustained heavy casualties in the fight at The Wilderness. During April, 1865, it disbanded. The field officers were Colonels Thomas Poage, Alexander M. Reynolds, and A.S. Vandeventer; Lieutenant Colonels William W. Finney and Logan H. N. Salyer; and Majors Lynville J. Perkins and C.E. Thorburn.

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