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Walstein Phillips

  • Mamie
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10 Feb 2012 15:12 - 10 Feb 2012 15:13 #914 by Mamie
Walstein Phillips was created by Mamie
From: J. IRVIN GREGG, Col., Cmdg. Brigade.
July 6, 1864.
Col. J. Irvin Gregg commanded the Second Brigade of the Army of the Potomac which included the 16th Pa. Cav. Gregg details the brigade's extensive marching.

Capt. H. C. WEIR, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
July 6, 1864.


I have the honor to submit the following brief report of the operations of this brigade since April 29, 1864, to the present date:

April 29, marched from Turkey Run to Paoli Mills.

May 3, marched to Richardsville. 4th, crossed the Rapidan River at Ely's Ford and marched via Chancellorsville to Alrich's. 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th, engaged with the enemy at Todd's Tavern. 9th, marched to the North Anna River. 10th, crossed South Anna. 11th, engaged with the enemy from Ground Squirrel Church to Yellow Tavern. 12th, engaged all day with the enemy near Brook Church, inside the fortifications of Richmond. 13th, marched to Bottom's Bridge, on the Chickahominy. 14th, marched to Haxall's, on the James River. 15th, 16th, and 17th, in camp. 18th, marched to Baltimore Cross-Roads. 20th, marched to Cold Harbor. 22d, marched to White House. 23d, 24th, and 25th, marched to Chesterfield Station, on the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad. 26th, marched to Hanover Ferry. 27th, crossed. 28th, engaged all day with the enemy at Haw's Shop. 29th and 30th, in camp. 31st, marched to White House and reported to Maj.-Gen. Smith.

June 1, marched to Prospect Church. 2d, made reconnaissance to Sumner's (upper) Bridge, across the Chickahominy; engaged all day with the enemy. 3d, 4th, 5th, in camp at Bottom's Bridge. 6th, marched to New Castle Ferry, on the Pamunkey. 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, marched to Carpenter's Ford, on the North Anna. 11th, engaged all day with the enemy at Trevilian Station. 12th, in camp. 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th, marched, via Carpenter's Ford. Corbin's Bridge, Spotsylvania Court-House, Bowling Green, and Walkerton, to King and Queen Court-House. 19th, marched to Dunkirk. 20th, crossed the Mattapony and marched to White House. 21st, engaged all day with the enemy near Tunstall's Station, on the Richmond and York River Railroad. 22d, in camp on Dr. Macon's farm. 23d, marched to Jones' Bridge, on the Chickahominy. 24th, engaged all day with the enemy at Saint Mary's Church; fought the entire force of rebel cavalry. 25th, 26th, and 27th, in camp of Winan's farm. 28th, crossed the James River and encamped near Fort Powhatan. 29th, marched to Prince George Court-House. 30th, marched to Warwick Swamp.

July 1, marched to Proctor's house, on the Jerusalem plank road, and made reconnaissance to Nottoway River in search of Brig.-Gen. Wilson's command. 2d, marched to Prince George Court-House and encamped. 3d, remained in camp. 4th, changed camp. 5th and 6th, in camp.

The entire distance marched by this command during the past two months is about 700 miles, exclusive of the distance traveled after forage, going to and returning from picket duty and in scouting. This brigade has participated in eleven battles and has lost heavily in killed and wounded. I cannot speak in terms that would be exaggerated of the conduct of the officers and men of this command; the unflinching courage displayed under fire, and the cheerfulness with which every toil and privation was endured and submitted to, entitle the officers and men of this command to be ranked among the best soldiers of this or any other army.

I have to regret the loss of the following officers killed in action and who have since died of wounds received, whose names deserve to be written high up on the scroll of fame: William Harris, lieutenant, First Maine Cavalry: George W. Bartlett, chaplain, First Maine Cavalry; O. A. Ellis, captain, First Maine Cavalry; Walstein Phillips, captain, First Maine Cavalry; F. J. Dungan, lieutenant, Second Pennsylvania Cavalry; John Kline, captain, Thirteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry; F. W. Bowen, lieutenant, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, killed; Lieut. Col. S. Boothby, Maj. J. P. Cilley, First Maine Cavalry, died of wounds;[1] Col. George H. Covode, Fourth Pennsylvania, mortally wounded at the head of his regiment at Saint Mary's Church; since dead. Col. C. H. Smith, First Maine Cavalry, was wounded in the thigh, but refused to leave the field and retained command of his regiment until the close of the action. Col. P. Huey, Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry, was captured.

To the officers of my staff--Capt. H. M. Hughes, assistant inspector-general; Lieut. John B. Maitland, acting assistant adjutant-general; Lieut. R. J. Phipps, acting ordnance officer; Lieut. Heald, provost-marshal, and Lieut.'s Mattson and Cutler --I am indebted for most valuable assistance in carrying orders and keeping me advised of the operations along a line too extended for personal supervision. Lieut. John B. Maitland has been performing the duties of acting assistant adjutant-general since February, 1863, and deserves and should obtain promotion as assistant adjutant-general of volunteers, not only for his ability, but for gallantry in action.

A numerical list of casualties accompanies this report. A nominal list has already been furnished.

[1] Maj. Cilley was mustered out with his regiment as

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. IRVIN GREGG, Col., Cmdg. Brigade.

Bibliographic Information: Letter Reproduced from The War of The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I., Volume 36. Part I, Reports, Serial No. 67, Pages 862, Broadfoot Publishing Company, Wilmington, NC, 1997.

NOTE: Photos and information regarding Walstein Phillips can be found at:

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