The following DNA tests were in progress at FTDNA as of Friday, 27 March 2009:
Kit number, Type of Test, Due Date
144973, Y-DNA (1 to 37 markers), 04/03/2009
145586, Y-DNA (13 to 37 markers), 04/10/2009
N63710, Refine Y-DNA (12 to 25 markers), 04/22/2009
145528, Y-DNA (1 to 67 markers), 04/24/2009
146874, Y-DNA (1 to 37 markers), 04/24/2009
148548, Y-DNA (1 to 12 markers), 05/08/2009
20699, Deep Clade Extended, 05/11/2009
46393, Deep Clade Extended, 05/11/2009