The Phillips DNA Project News

08/18/2009: SMGF adopts new Industry Standards for reporting Y-DNA


The Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF) announced yesterday that it has implemented a recently developed industry standard for reporting yDNA genetic markers.  SMGF is a non-profit scientific organization with possibly the world's largest collection of correlated genetic and genealogical information.

The new system, or nomenclature, for Y-STR genetic markers will reduce confusion for genetic genealogy consumers, eliminate conversion errors, make personal DNA profiles easily portable and lead to more genetic matches when searching among different ancestry databases once the industry-wide standard is adopted by all labs.  Y-DNA is an unrivaled tool for tracing paternal ancestry.  Only males have the Y-chromosome, which is passed down virtually unchanged from father to son.

Click here to read the entire story in EarthTimes.

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