The following DNA tests were in progress at FTDNA as of 12 September 2009:
Due Date, Batch #, Kit #, Type of Test
10/02/2009, 320, 159622, Y-DNA37
10/05/2009, 322, 156136, Various Y-DNA Markers
10/09/2009, 321, 160099, Y-DNA37
10/12/2009, 323, 117995, Deep Clade-R
10/16/2009, 322, 160093, Y-DNA37
10/16/2009, 322, 160256, Y-DNA37
10/16/2009, 322, 160820, Y-DNA67
10/19/2009, 324, 156888, Deep Clade-R
10/19/2009, 324, 50263, Deep Clade-R
10/23/2009, 323, 159448, Y-DNA37
10/23/2009, 323, 161129, Y-DNA37
10/30/2009, 324, 156530, Y-DNA37 + MT-DNA
10/30/2009, 324, 160846, Y-DNA67
11/06/2009, 325, 180833, Y-DNA37
11/06/2009, 325, 162033, Y-DNA67