Developments in the project from 15 November 2010 to 15 December 2010:
New Y-DNA results returned from the FTDNA lab for the following participants over the past month. These participants were added to various groups as follows:
189276 was added to R1b Singletons.
190528 was conditionally added to Group 46, pending confirmation from a geneticist at FTDNA. This participant has a paper trail that connects him to Group 46, but he mismatches the modal group haplotype on 6 out of 37 markers.
In addition, Family Finder results returned for 108423. Thus far, eleven members of the Phillips DNA project have taken the Family Finder autosomal DNA test and none of them match each other. This is to be expected, because we already know from Y-DNA testing that all Phillips men are not related. In addition, the Family Finder test is only capable of reliably detecting fairly close cousins.