The Phillips DNA Project News

01/16/2011: Developments in the Project over the past month

Developments in the project from 15 December 2010 to 15 January 2011:

New Y-DNA results returned from the FTDNA lab for the following participants over the past month.   These participants were added to various groups as follows:

153938 was added to R1b Singletons

191185 was added to Group 10

ANC34 was added to Group 31

190838 was added to Group 53

It was also discovered that 189276 matched two men in the Phelps DNA project, 84495 and 191581.  The two Phelps men joined the Phillips DNA Project and we set up Group 66 for them plus the Phillips participant, who happens to be British.

The very next day, results returned for 195017 and it was discovered he also matched a man in the Phelps DNA project!  This is an amazing coincidence, because it is the first time that we have seen any DNA matches at all between men named Phillips and men named Phelps.  So we set up Group 67 for 195017 and 123166 from the Phelps DNA project.


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