The Phillips DNA Project News

12/29/2011: DNA testings' pros & cons weighed by Roots & Branches

Roots and Branches Internet reader Eric "Rick" Bender of New Mexico has been considering the use of DNA in an attempt to break a logjam in his Bender ancestry, which is proved only to 1807 in northern Lebanon County.

Basically, if he submits his genetic material for a Y-chromosome test, it could show which of the many 18th-century Bender families he is more closely related to.

However, thoughtful guy that he is, Bender has been delaying taking the test because of what he perceives as possible pitfalls of confidentiality, too many requests for information, paternity and ethnicity. He even thinks that his siblings should have a sort of "veto power" over him taking a DNA test for genealogical purposes.

Click here to read more in LDNews, the website of London Daily News.

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