This is a complete list of all newsletters published by the Phillips DNA Project in 2011 listed in reverse chronological order by date of publication. Each newsletter is available in PDF or XPS format and available for viewing.
December 2011 Newsletter
Available in (PDF or XPS) with the following topics:
- Project News
- Notes on FTDNA’s 7th Genetic Genealogy Conference
- Sir Thomas Phillipps, Antiquarian and Bibliophile
November 2011 Newsletter
Available in (PDF or XPS) with the following topics:
- Project News
- Descendants of Samuel and Elizabeth Phillips of Narragansett, Rhode Island
- Fallacious Fruit on the Ol’ Phillips Family Tree
- Correction to the Hiram Phillips of Tennessee Story
October 2011 Newsletter
Available in (PDF or XPS) with the following topics:
- Project News
- The surname Phillips is a multi-origin surname
- The Various Hiram Phillips of Tennessee
- Musings on the Surname Phillips
- Samuel Phillips of Washington Coutny, Rhode Island
September 2011 Newsletter
Available in (PDF or XPS) with the following topics:
- Project News
- Of the 39 British men who have gotten tested
- More About the Philipps Family of Picton Castle, Wales
- Family of Samuel Phillips of Narragansett, Rhode Island
August 2011 Newsletter
Available in (PDF or XPS) with the following topics:
- Project News
- Henry F. Phillips and the Phillips screwdriver
- Common Name and Common Mistakes in Genealogy; Untangling Tangled Roots
- The Ten Commandments of Internet Genealogy
July 2011 Newsletter
Available in (PDF or XPS) with the following topics:
- Project News
- Wayne Scott Phillips
- Mark Anthony Peter Phillips
- I Have A Complaint Concerning Many Genealogists
June 2011 Newsletter
Available in (PDF or XPS) with the following topics:
- Project News
- Frederick Philipse of New York
- GenFest 2011, High Point, NC--A Review
May 2011 Newsletter
Available in (PDF or XPS) with the following topics:
- Project News
- Philips of the Heath House in Tean, Staffordshire
- DNA Discoveries
April 2011 Newsletter
Available in (PDF or XPS) with the following topics:
- Project News
- An Amazing Genealogy Story
- Who Do You Think You Are? Live in London
- Accuracy of Genealogy Information on the Internet
March 2011 Newsletter
Available in (PDF or XPS) with the following topics:
- Project News
- Samuel Phillips Jr. and Phillips Academy
- The Family History Library--in Salt Lake City and Near You
Feb 2011 Newsletter
Available in (PDF or XPS) with the following topics:
- Project News
- Frank F. and L.E. Phillips of Phillips Oil Company
- Which OnLine Software to Use