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Henry Walker, Esq., s/o Sylvanus Walker & Luvicey Phillips

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02 Jun 2012 22:11 #1002 by Mamie
(1) Died, on the 8th inst. In the 41st year of his age, HENRY WALKER, Esq. long a resident of Jasper county. The cause which produced this lamentable event originated in a fall which he received from his horse. In the death of this worthy man, society has sustained no ordinary loss. Amongst the many virtues which adorn the human character, charity, benevolence and humanity held deservedly the highest rank; these were conspicuous amongst the many virtues which characterized Mr. Walker, and endeared him, to his relatives and friends. For several years of his life, he was entrusted by his countrymen with different public trusts, which he discharged with honor to them and credit to himself. In the relations of husband and father, he was kind, tender and affectionate. He has left an anguished widow, and a numerous offspring, together with many relations and friends, to deplore in grief their heart-rendering loss. He is gone amidst the gush of sorrow from their eyes, to receive that recompense of reward which is the meed of the truly upright and benevolent.

Source: Georgia Journal, Milledgeville, Georgia, July 18, 1820; Pg. 3

(2) DIED, on the 8th inst. at the residence of his father, in consequence of a fall from his horse, HENRY WALKER, Esq. of Jasper county, formerly a representative of in the State Legislature. In death of Mr. Walker, his county has sustained a great loss-he was a useful citizen, a faithful public servant, and an honest man.

Source: Southern Recorder, Milledgeville, Georgia, Tuesday, July 18, 1820; Pg. 3

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02 Jun 2012 22:47 #1003 by NancyKiser
I believe Luvicey or Vicey Phillips was the daughter of Zachariah Phillips and his second wife, Rachel Walker Wall. She married Henry Walker on 19 May 1800 in Greene Co Georgia. I also believe Rachel Walker Wall was the sister of Sylvanus Walker.

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03 Jun 2012 02:39 #1004 by Mamie
Add'l Info:

Henry Walker, b. ca 1760, d. 1820 Jasper Co. Ga. Jasper Minute Book A, pgs. 32-33, distribution of heirs of Henry Walker, decd. Jasper Co. Wills, etc. V. 7, pg. 310, minors named, i.e.: Lucy, Rachel, Sophia, Alecey, Sylvanus, Zachariah, Henry and Reuben, dtd. 5/29/1826. Lucy Walker and James Pinchard, gdns. of Alecey and Elijah C., minors of Henry. James Pinchard and Vicey Walker, gdn of Helen, minor. Henry Walker m Vicey Phillips 5/19/1800 Greene Co. Ga. Listed 1820 Jasper Co. Census. Issue:
I. Alecey Walker
II. Sylvanus Walker
III. Zachariah Walker
IV. Henry Walker m. Miss Gilstrap 1/18/1823 Jasper Co. listed 1830 Jasper Co. Census.
V. Reuben Walker
VI. Rachel Walker
VII. Sophia Walker m. William Q. Anderson 6/27/1827 Wilkes Co. Ga.
VIII. Helen Walker
IX. Elijah C. Walker, lived in Jasper Co. 1850.

Source: The Georgians: Genealogies of Pioneer Settlers, by Jeannette Holland Austin, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1984; Pg. 364

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