A. G. Phillips, a resident of Monterey and connected with the department of highways in Highland county, received a message Wednesday morning telling him of the accidental death of his niece, Miss Caroline Rosher Phillips, 15-year-old daughter of Noland and Mrs. Elsie Campbell Phillips, at their home in Nelson county. According to the brief message received here, she was struck in the head with No. 6 shot, fired accidentally from a shot gun in the hands of her 12-year-old sister. She was at once rushed to the University hospital at Charlottesville, where she succumbed in a short time.
Mr. Phillips, in company with Mrs. Phillips left at once for the stricken home.
Upon their return, they were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Noland Phillips, parents of the young lady, for a short visit here.
Source: The Highland Recorder, Monterey, Virginia, Friday, November 10, 1939; Pg. 2, Column 3