Horatio Gates Philips, Esq., an Ohio Pioneer, died at Dayton on the 10th Nov. He was born in New Jersey, in 1773, and was the son of Captain Jonathan Philips, of the regular army of the American Revolution, who entered the service as Lieutenant, commissioned by John Hancock, President of Congress, in 1775. As Captain he participated in the capture of Burgoyne, at Saratoga, October 15, 1777, and served with honorable distinction throughout the war, as is attested in his diploma from the Society of Cincinnatus, bearing the signature of General Washington, as President, and General Knox as Secretary. He ever professed and practiced the doctrines of the old Whig party. Mr. Philips settled at Dayton in 1805, and was among the earliest merchants located in the town.— Phil. Bulletin.
Source: The Historical Magazine and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History and Biography of America, Volume IV, published by C.B. Richardson, January,1860; Pg. 26