Georgia News.
(1) Milton Malone, who killed Mr. Frank Phillips, of Atlanta, last Saturday night, was brought before a Magistrate Monday afternoon. His counsel waived a preliminary examination and he was committed to jail. Bail was not asked.
Source: Federal Union, Milledgeville, Georgia, August 21, 1872; Pg. 3
(2) We clip these items from the Atlanta Herald of Saturday:
MALONE SENTENCED.-In the Superior Court yesterday, Judge Hopkins sentenced Milton Malone, the murderer of Frank Phillips, to be hung on the 24th day of January, next. In passing the sentence the Judge made no comments whatever on the case.
Source: Union and Recorder, Milledgeville, Georgia, December 25, 1872; Pg. 2
He Takes Morphine and Cheats the Gallows.
(Special to the Telegraph and Messenger.)
ATLANTA, November 20, 1873.
Milton Malone, the murderer of young Frank Phillips, who was to have been hanged to-day, took morphine in his cell at midnight last night. A physician was promptly called, but Malone violently resisted all efforts to induce him to take medicine, and soon became insensible, and at eleven clock to-day - an hour before the time of his execution - he died.
He left a note addressed to the jailor, boasting of how badly fooled Judge Hopkins and his blood-sucking clan would be, and stating that he had worn the poison around his neck for weeks.
He wrote a letter on the 24th of November, stating that he did not believe in the Bible nor in hell.
He died, as he had lived, defiant, unrelenting and bitter.
Source: Union and Recorder, Milledgeville, Georgia, December 3, 1873; Pg. 2