Administrator’s Sale
Personal Property
UNDER and by virtue of an order and decree of the Probate Court of Calhoun County, Alabama, made on the 14th day of November, A.D., 1860, we will proceed to sale on the 17th day of DECEMBER next, 1860, at the late residence of Jane Phillips, deceased, all the Personal Property of the Estate of the said Jane Phillips, deceased-consisting of ONE LIKELY NEGRO, one Buggy and Harness, 60 dozen Oats in the sheaf-about two bales Cotton, one Mule, Corn and Fodder, lot of Hay and other articles too tedious to mention.
Said property will be sold on a Credit of Twelve months with interest from date, note with two approved securities will be required to secure the purchase money.
Nov. 15, 1860.
Source: Jacksonville Republican, Jacksonville, Ala., Thursday, November 15, 1860; Pg. 3, Column 3