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Catherine & Hannah Phillips, heirs, Lt. James. Ball, VA.

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07 Mar 2013 13:20 #1212 by Mamie
Lieutenant James Ball.

Exec. Dept. Apl. 16, 1833. The heirs of James Ball are allowed land bounty for his services as a Lieut. in the Contl. line for three years, if not heretofore drawn. John Floyd, Gov.

Washington Co., D. C. 24 June, 1834. John Adams made oath on the "Holy Evangelists of Almighty God" before B. K. Morsell, J. of P. that he was raised in the neighborhood of old Moses Ball and always understood and believed John Ball to be his eldest son and Robert Ball to be the eldest son of said John Ball. The above deposition certified by Wm. Brent, Clerk.

From a letter to William Selden, Register of Va. Land office. "My brother James has got the warrant for part of the Revolutionary claim we are entitled to. My friends think that the heirs of my father John Ball are entitled to the claim. He (John) was the eldest son of Moses Ball and the court agreed that Moses Ball died intestate as to the property of James Ball (Referring to the land bounty). My father brought suit about thirty years ago for the land James Ball sold to John Musgrove, before he entered the service. I was with him when he employed Col. Simms of Alexandria, but for want of money, I believe the suit died. My brother has acted in a very extraordinary manner. I was going on with the business when two of my daughters died. I furnished my brother with all necessary proofs. He told my brothers and sisters I had turned all over to him.

They were dissatisfied when they found their mistake. I am sorry to say anything against a brother or anybody, but this is precisely the case. My father and Joseph Birch were executors of Moses Ball's estate, and myself, executor of my father (John Ball)." Signed, Robert Ball.

Fairfax Co. Court, 17 Aug., 1835. It appears satisfactory to the Court that Moses Ball of Hawkins Co., Tenn. was the son of Moses Ball of Fairfax Co. That he was elder brother and heir at law of Lieut. James Ball, an officer in the Rev. War. That Moses Ball, Jr. died about the year 1831, leaving a will, but intestate as to the estate of his father and uncle aforesaid. That he left the following heirs:—I., Spencer; II., Jane (who married James Trimmell); III., William; IV., Robert; V., John; VI., Wesley; VII., Thomas; VIII., Sarah (who married John Long, Sr.); IX., Sibby (who married John Long, Jr.); X., Hester (who married William McDaniel) ; XI., Nancy (who married Isaac Warren); XII., Bennett; and XIII., Polly (who married John Ball son of George Ball).

Therefore the court certifies that the aforementioned are heirs at law of the late Moses Ball of Fairfax Co. who was elder brother of said Lieut. James Ball.

Abstract of the will of Moses Ball. Made 15, Dec., 1786.
To my son John, 25 acres of land beginning on the south side of Four Mile Run, at the White Oak, corner of Genl. Washington, thence with Washington line to Alexander's line and thence with Alexander's line, and the meanders of Long Branch westwardly until the quantity of 25 acres is made; the rest of my land to my wife, Ann Ball, during her life, or if she remain a widow; then to be sold and divided among my children; my executors to pay as soon as possible to his excellency, Gen. Washington, the sum of ten pounds with interest, a sum I borrowed from him, with William Carlin as security. To my daughter, Sabilla Ball; my stock etc. to be divided among my wife and Bazil, Ann and Sabilla. That my son John and Joseph Birch be sole Executors.
Signed, (date as above). Witnesses, Elijah Wood, William Culberhouse.

Fairfax Co. court, 17 Sept., 1792, the will was proved and ordered to be recorded. Teste, P. Waggoner, Clerk. Copy teste, William Moss.

Washington county, Dec. 24, 1834. John Adams came into court and made oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that he was raised in the neighborhood of old Moses Ball, and always understood that John Ball was Moses' eldest son and Robert Ball was eldest son of John Ball. The above deposition was certified by William Brent, Clerk of Court.

Russell Co., Va. 10 Aug., 1835. Before George Kindrick, J. of P. of aforesaid Co. appeared Jesse Ball who deposed that Polly Ball, the wife of John Ball is one of the heirs of Moses Ball. She appointed William Ball of Fairfax Co. her Atty.

To William Selden, Esq. "Please deliver to Genl. William Lambert the land warrants due to those heirs of Moses Ball, late of Tenn. and George Ball, late of Virginia, and should you think proper to issue the warrants to all the heirs of Moses and George, I will hold myself accountable as attorney.
Signed, William Ball, Atty.

John, George, and Jesse Ball of Russell Co. Tenn. Appointed Wm. Ball of Fairfax Co., Va. their Atty. 6 Aug., 1835. Russell Co. Court, "It is proved on oath of Solomon Crabtree and Robert Stinson that John Ball, George and Jesse Ball are the children and heirs of George Ball, Sr., dec'd. who died intestate and left twelve sons and daughters". Certified by Wm. Price, J. of P. Also certified by James P. Carroll, Clerk of Russell Co. Court, 8 Aug., 1835.

"That George Ball, father of John, Jesse, George and William Ball was heir at law of Moses Ball, dec'd. of Fairfax Co., Va." Certified by George Kindrick, J. of P.

James Trimmell who married Jane Ball, daughter of Moses Ball, William, John, Wesley, Thomas Ball and John Long who married Sarah Ball, daughter of Moses Ball, all of Hawkins Co. Tennessee, appoint William Ball their Atty. 6 Feb., 1835.

Fairfax Co. Personally appeared before David F. Dulany, J. of P. Charles Broadwater, who deposed that he knew James Ball; that he had heard and believes that he was brother of Moses Ball, etc. Signed and sworn to, June 28, 1835.

At the same court, 14 Mar., 1835. It was ordered to be certified that James Ball who is said to have been an officer in the Rev. war, died about the year 1783. That Moses Ball of Fairfax Co. was his elder brother and heir. That Moses Ball died in the year 1792, testate, but intestate as to the estate of his brother James Ball (referring of course to the land bounty). That Moses Ball left seven children:—1, John; 2, Moses; 3, George; 4, Bazil; 5, Anne; 6, James; and 7, Sabilla Ball.

That Anne and Sabilla died intestate and unmarried; that John also died intestate, leaving six children:—Anne (married Thomas Allison); Robert; William; Horatio; Dabney; and Mary (married John Allison). That Bazil Ball (son of Moses) died intestate, leaving five children:—Mary (married Tobias Badden); Anne (married Richard Mitchell); Belinda (married Nicholas Phebera); Sibilla (married Charles B. Markward); and Elizabeth Ball.

That James (6), son of Moses, died intestate leaving Jamima (married James Thomas); Townsherid Ball (who died intestate, leaving George and Archibald Ball, Sinah (married James Thrift), Catherine (married William Phillips), and Hannah (married John Phillips)).

Ordered certified that these are the heirs at law of said Moses Ball, the elder, who was heir at law of Lieut. James Ball. Copy teste, F. D. Richardson.

Powers of Attorney. Anna Allison, Mary Allison, Dabney and Horatio Ball (children of John) appointed William Ball of Fairfax Co. their Atty. Apl., 1835. Witnesses, James S. Scott and John Ball. This power of Atty. was proved by the above named witnesses. Apl. 20, 1835.

Charles Markward and Sabilla his wife of Campbell Co., Ken. appointed the same Atty. Sabilla was the daugh. Of Bazil Ball, dec'd. of Alexandria Co., D. C. Witness, David G-. Butler. Ackn. bef. James G. Arnold, J. of P. 9 Mar., 1835.
Attest, John N. Taliaferro, Clerk.

George, Ira Thomas, William Thomas and James Thomas (on behalf of Mary Ann and Emily Thomas, minors) who are the only surviving children of Jemima Thomas, dec'd. who was daugh. of James, son of Moses Ball, appointed the same Atty.
Ackn. bef. N. Keene, J. of P. Dist of Col., Alexander Co. 29 June, 1835.

Letter to William Ball in care of George A. Adams, Washington City. "Putnam Co., Ohio, Mar. 27, 1835. I send you the power of Atty. I suppose you have heard of the death of Nancy. She died suddenly, the day we received your letter. We have no regular physician in our place, but the people are very kind in such cases. It happened to be on the day our Circus (Circuit) preacher was in Balida. He preached the funeral sermon. We have preaching only once in three weeks.
We are agreed with majority in giving one half of it (land bounty) to you what you obtain. Signed as to agreement, Katherine Phillips and Ann Ball. Give our love to all friends, in particular to Dabney Ball's family, and James Thrift's.
Signed William Phillips, per George H. Phillips.

Power of Atty. from Andrew A. and George W. Ball and Hannah Phillips to the same Atty. Ackn. bef. B. K. Morsell, J. of P. Washington Co. D. C. 29 June, 1835.

Ann Ball, daugh. of Ann Ball, and Catherine Phillips of Washington City, appointed the same Atty. 21st Feb., 1835.

Richard Mitchell and Ann his wife of Hamilton Co., Ohio (she was Ann Ball, daugh. of Bazil Ball) appointed the same Atty. Ackn. bef. R. Mulford, J. of P. 7 Mar., 1835. Attest, "William H. Harrison, Clerk, per H. L. Rucker, Dep. Clerk. Certified as to Wm H. Harrison, David K. Este.

Letter from Ann Mitchell, which contained the above power of Atty. addressed to William Ball. "We have done all as you desired us, as you will see by the enclosed. We are unsettled as we have sold our land, and expect to go to Illinois, etc. Signed, Ann Ball.

John Ball, George Ball and Jesse Ball of Russell Co., Tenn. appointed same Atty. 6 Aug., 1835. Russell Co. Court. It is proved that (on the oath of Solomon Crabtree and Robert
Stinson) John, George and Jesse Ball are the children and heirs of George Ball, Sr., dec'd. who died intestate and left twelve sons and daughters. Signed and ackn. before William
Price, J. of P. Attest, James P. Carroll, Clerk.

Sarah Ball and Elizabeth Ball of Russell Co. Va. daughters of George Ball, dec'd. appointed the same Atty. 6 Feb., 1835.

Warrant 8160 for 1411-1/3 acres issued to these heirs at law of Lieut. James Ball, July 3, 1835. Recorded Book 3, page 383.

Source: Virginia Soldiers of 1776, Compiled from Documents on File in the Virginia Land Office, Together with Materials found in the Archives Department of the Virginia State Library, and other reliable sources, Volume I, compiled and edited by Louis A. Burgess, published by Richmond Press, Inc., Richmond, Va., 1927; Pgs. 129-133

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