Absconded - Large Reward. - We learn from Dr. Fisher, of the firm of Fisher, Agnew & Co., of Columbia, that a man by the name of James Phillips, absconded from Winnsboro, S. Co., on the 24th ult., with about $20,000 of their money, in bills, is believed on the Planters’ Bank of Fairfield. A reward of $5000 is offered for the apprehension of the delinquent and recovery of the money, and an appropriate reward for the recovery of any portion of the funds abstracted. Phillips is said to be about 30 years of age five feet ten inches in height, proportioned, dark hair and rather inclined to baldness, has a red face and a flesh mark on one side of his neck, approaching a claret color. Our contemporaries generally will further the ends of justice by inserting a notice of the above facts, and Banks, Brokers and others who may have negotiated recently any large amount of the bills in question with strangers, would confer a favor by communicating the particulars forthwith to Messrs. Fisher, Agnew & Co., at Columbia.
-Char. Courier, 8th inst.
Source: Federal Union, Milledgeville, Georgia, February 14, 1854; Pg. 2