NOTICE - Pocket Book Lost.
ON the road leading from Martin’s ferry across the Chattahoochee river to Lawrenceville, Gwinnett county; I think the last I recollect having it, was at the ferry, before which, it had Seven Hundred and Eighty Dollars in it, the numbers of the bills not recollected; but the principal part of them were on the State Bank of Georgia, payable in Savannah, and South Carolina Bank, (with the exception of eight Five Dollar Gold pieces,) it had no other papers of importance in it. The description of it, is dark colored and very large, with my name written in it, with a dressed Deer skin string tied around it. For which I will pay Fifty Dollars to the honor of any gentleman that finds it, if he will advertise it so that I can get it, or write to me to inform me of it. I live in Montgomery county, Georgia.
June 14, 1844.
Source: Federal Union, Milledgeville, Georgia, August 20, 1844; Pg. 4, Column 4