Runaway Negro in Jail.
Was committed to my custody, by Parker Phillips, on the 21st day of May last, a negro man, who says his name is ALFRED, and the he belongs to __ Hall, of Miller county; he is very bright yellow, stout 5 feet 10 inches high, and very heavy made, has a scar on his face, which he says was made by the bite of a dog, about 25 or 30 years old, says he has a wife at Gov. Conway’s.
The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, otherwise he will be dealt with as the law directs.
E.M. Owen, Sheriff
Of Saline County, Arkansas
Benton, Ark. July 30, 1839
Source: The Arkansas Gazette, Little Rock, Arkansas, Wednesday, August 7, 1839