CLASS OF 1891 (31 LIVING, 12 DEAD)
Phys. and Surg.; M.D.; b. 1865 Westville, Ind.; s. Martin Van Buren and Mary Harriett (Webber) Phillips. Prepared in Olathe, (Kan.) H. S. M.D., Bennett Med. Coll., 1886, Phi Rho Sigma. Gen. Med. practice, Lawton, Mich., 1891-94; later located at 34 Washington Blvd., Chicago; Denver; Mojave, Calif.; Clin. Instr., Ophthalmol., and Otol. Coll. of Med., 1896-1908; Asst. Prof. do., 1908-10; Prof. Ophthalmol., Chicago Clin. Sch.; Staff, Ill. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, about 1901k. Auth.: Report of Case of Suppurative Keratitus, Plexus, F 20, 1901, Mem. A.F.A.M. Married Irene Gorton Bitely Je 27, 1899, Lawton, Mich. Address, 607 Central Bldg., 30 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, Calif.
Source: The Alumni Record, of the University of Illinois College of Medicine Alumni, Chicago Departments: Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry, School of pharmacy, published by the University of Illinois, 1921; Pg. 24