Minister of the Free Baptist Church, Woodstock, New Brunswick, was born at Wakefield, county of Carleton, N.B., on the 7th June, 1841. His father was Cornelius Ackerman Phillips, whose grandfather was one of the U. E. Loyalists; and his mother Frances Stevens, daughter of John Stevens and Mary Ackermann, and grand-daughter of Colonel Lawrence, a noted officer in the British army during the revolutionary war.
Rev. Mr. Phillips received his education in his native parish and at Acadia College, Wolfville. He afterwards entered the ministry, and was for fourteen years in charge of the Sussex pastorate, in Kings county. Upon his resignation he was presented with a gold watch and an address from the citizens, and in 1884 took charge of the Free Baptist Church in Woodstock, N. B., of which he is the present pastor. He takes a deep interest in the temperance reform, and is a hard worker for the advancement of the Master's kingdom on earth. He belongs to the fraternity of Freemasons, and is a member of Woodstock lodge. On the 8th October, 1870, he was married to Georgia, daughter of the Rev. Cyriac Cyrell Doucette, and has a family of four children.
Source: A Cyclopaedia Of Canadian Biography, Rose's National Biographical Series. II, edited by Geo. Maclean Rose, published by Rose Publishing Company, Toronto, 1888; Pg. 432