The Phillips DNA Project News


Medieval Irish Genealogies and Y-DNA

Over the millennia, in a continuous process, Irish clans gave rise to subsequent clans. These descendant clans adopted specific surnames from about 900 A.D. onwards. Thus, the post-surname clans that descended from a specific pre-surname clan should be relatively closely related to each other genetically. Click here to read more.

2024 Father's Day Sale

Family Tree DNA's Father Day Sale starts today and runs through June 17th. Their 37 marker Y-DNA test is on sale for $99 plus postage or an 111 marker Y-DNA test for $209 plus postage. Please be advised that these are the only tests that pertain to our Phillips DNA Project. Here's a link to a page where you can order a test kit through our project which will guarantee your results will be added to our project.

Y-DNA Testing for Genealogy

Y-DNA results have no real meaning when taken on their own. The value comes in comparing your specific results, or haplotype, with other individuals to whom you think you are related to see how many of your markers match.

Since DNA testing cannot on its own identify the common ancestor that you share with another individual, a useful application of the Y-DNA test is the Surname Project, which brings together the results of many tested males with the same surname to help determine how (and if) they are related to each other.

Click here to read more at ThoughtCo dot com.

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