The Phillips DNA Project News


FTDNA's Summer Sale

This year FTDNA's Summer Sale runs through the month of August. The Y-DNA 37 marker test is on sale for $99 plus postage and the Y-DNA 111 marker test is on sale for $209 plus postage. Please be advised that these are the ONLY tests that are applicable to our project. Here is a link to a page where you can order a test through our project which will guarantee your results will be included in our project.

Project Statistics

Big Y 175
Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded 79
DISTINCT mtDNA Haplogroups 234
DISTINCT Y-DNA Confirmed Haplogroups 266
DISTINCT Y-DNA Predicted Haplogroups 0
Family Finder 438
Genographic 2.0 Transfers 26
Maternal Ancestor Information 651
mtDNA 377
mtDNA Full Sequence 246
mtDNA Plus 321
mtDNA Subgroups 15
Paternal Ancestor Information 965
Predicted Y-DNA Haplogroups 355
Total Members 1440
Unpredicted Y-DNA Haplogroups 0
Unreturned Kits 152
Y-DNA Deep Clade (After 2008) 40
Y-DNA Deep Clade (Prior to 2008) 15
Y-DNA Subgroups 123
Y-DNA111 304
Y-DNA12 1079
Y-DNA25 996
Y-DNA37 952
Y-DNA67 495

Phillips DNA Blog